Below are just a few of the photos from this year's event; for more, check out this album on Facebook Mahalo to the team from AKAKU for covering the event; here is a video produced by AKAKU Youth Exchange Reporters Alax & Zariah Mahalos!
The event was coordinated by partners within the West Maui Ridge to Reef Initiative (R2R) and funded by the Hawai‘i Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources. Additional event support and funding provided by the Coral Reef Alliance, Maui Diving - Scuba & Snorkel Center, and Kohola Brewery. Lunch was generously donated by CJ's Deli & Diner Comfort Zone Restaurant and the Westin Nanea Ocean Villas. The Westin Nanea Ocean Villas also provided recycling containers for the event. Prizes for the scavenger hunt and fishing tournament were generously donated by local Maui businesses, including: All About Fish Maui, Atlantis Submarines Maui, Captain Steve's Rafting Adventures, Down the Hatch, DUO @ The Four Seasons Resort, Duke's Beach House, Honu Seafood & Pizza, Island Press Coffee, Kapalua Ziplines, Ko Restaurant at Fairmont Kea Lani, Leilani's On The Beach, Leoda's Kitchen and Pie Shop, Mahina Boutique, Mala Ocean Tavern, Merriman's Kapalua, Malolo Molokini Snorkeling Tour, Maui Sporting Goods, New Maui Fishing Supply, Sea House Restaurant, Star Noodle, The Snorkel Store, Trilogy Excursions, UFO Parasail & Adventures, West Maui Sports & Fishing Supply, and Whale Trust Mahalo to the Ridge to Reef Hui Tent partners: Hawai‘i DLNR (Department of Land and Natural Resources) - Division of Aquatic Resources, Division of Fish and Wildlife, Division of Conservation and Resource Enforcement, Marine 30x30 Initiative; Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary; Hui o ka Wai Ola; NOAA Fisheries Pacific Islands Protected Resources Division; Mauna Kahālāwai Watershed Partnership; Whale Trust; The Nature Conservancy of Hawaiʻi; Hawaii Association for Marine Education and Research, Inc.; Sharkastics; Hawaiian Hawksbill Conservation; Trilogy Excursions Blue'Aina; Maui Nui Marine Resource Council; Coral Reef Alliance; and West Maui Kumuwai Mahalo to Adam Wong and the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources for coordinating the Keiki & 'Ohana Catch & Release Fishing Tournament Mahalo to marine scientist Darla White for leading the reef tour Mahalo to the Kaanapali North Beach Masters Association which manages the privately-owned park where the Ridge to Reef Rendezvous took place Mahalo to the Wednesday evening lecture series speakers: Dr. Ivor Williams, Darla White, Donna Brown, and Ekolu Lindsey Mahalo to the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary, led by Patty Miller & Amy Eldredge, for coordinating the K-12 student art contest and hosting the Wednesday evening lecture series Mahalo to Maui Diving - Scuba & Snorkel Center for coordinating a fantastic ridge to reef cleanup with over 100 people Mahalo to Kohola Brewery for hosting Science Night, brewing Reef Geeks Hazy IPA in support of the West Maui Ridge to Reef Initiative, and throwing a beer release party after the cleanup Mahalo to the University of Hawaii Maui College Marine Option Program for all the help developing and deploying the "Haunted Reef" Mahalo to the Lahaina News for publishing a series of articles linked to the event, and to Maui Now and Malika Dudley for a great video feature Mahalo to event photographer Ananda Stone of Splash Productions for capturing the day so beautifully And finally, mahalo to all the fantastic volunteers who made the event possible: Charley Dofa, Karen & John Seebart, Linda Tesar-Amimoto, Eileen Robb, Jeep Dunning, Lisa Davis, TaylorRose Stone, Sanoma Boynton, Stephanie Pettee, Makayla Richmond, Caroline Sabharwal, Carrie DeMott, Robyn Walters, Joseph deLoache, Lynne Masters, Nancy & John Norman, Larry Boysen, Deborah Johnson, Grover Hatch, Nanette Bowan, Teje , Jim & Cathy Maxwell, and Sheila Murphy Congratulations to the winners of the 4th Annual Keiki & ʻOhana Catch & Release Fishing Tournament!10/26/2019
We had another fantastic event, with 53 young fishers and their families entering the tournament! Mahalo once again to Adam Wong of the Hawaiʻi Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources, for coordinating the event, part of the Ridge to Reef Rendezvous. Prizes for the tournament were generously donated by All About Fish, Maui Sporting Goods, New Maui Fishing Supply, and West Maui Sports & Fishing Supply.
More photos from the tournament can be found in a Facebook album here, and from the overall event, here. Tournament Winners: Papio 1st place: Purnat Durso (5.75”) 2nd place: Aubrey Phillips (5.5”) 3rd place: Kaos Samudio (5.25”) 4th place: Zachary Valdez Jr (5.1”) Other 1st place: Kanoelani Hapakuka (13.75” lai) 2nd place: Aiden Pacheco (10.5” humu) 3rd place: Nash Okano (9.75” hagi) 4th place: Kaleb Okano (9.5” weke) First Fish Kanon Kayyem (7” humu) What a great day with Maui Diving - Scuba & Snorkel Center, Koholā Brewery, and West Maui Kumuwai - over 100 people came out to Mala Wharf to participate in a ridge to reef cleanup, including over 60 divers, followed by a beer release party for Reef Geeks Hazy IPA, a special limited release brew in support of the West Maui Ridge to Reef Initiative! Thank you to Maui Diving - Scuba & Snorkel Center and Koholā Brewery for all their support of this year's Ridge to Reef Rendezvous!
More photos and video from the event are posted on our Facebook page. We were honored to have Dr. Ivor Williams of NOAA come to Maui to present on the science behind the KHFMA. Dr. Williams has been researching this region since before the KHFMA was established. Check out the video from the presentation that we live-streamed to Facebook: As part of this year's Ridge to Reef Rendezvous, students in grades K-12 are encouraged to enter our Ridge 2 Reef Art Contest! Art work will be displayed and prizes awarded at the event, on Saturday October 26th at Kahekili Beach Park. Event attendees will have the chance to vote for finalists selected from the entries. Winners from each grade level group will receive a prize, and one grand prize will be awarded.
Art Materials: Art entries must be no larger than 8 1⁄2” X 11” and be created on paper, cardboard or foam board. Arts and crafts materials may be used, such as crayons, markers, colored pencils, yarn, etc. Computer-generated artwork and text WILL NOT be accepted. Submit art in a flat envelope. All entries must also be clearly labeledon the back, upper left hand corner with the student’s first and last name, and phone number and/or email address. (PLEASE PRINT). Deadline: Oct 15, 2019 Entries can be mailed or delivered to: Patty Miller, Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale Sanctuary, 726 S. Kihei Road, Kihei, HI 96753 Everyone can play a role in protecting our oceans and reefs-there are many actions you can take that will make a difference! Poster Topics Grades K-5 If you were in charge of protecting the ocean and coral reefs, what would you tell people they should do (or not do) to help keep marine life and their home healthy? Grades 6-12 What actions can people take to protect our oceans and reefs? Choose one action, and create a message encouraging people what to do. How and why should they take action? Bonus! Social Media Challenge Students can earn an extra entry into our fantastic prize drawing at the Ridge to Reef Rendezvous by sharing their stewardship messages on their own social media accounts (Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook), using the hashtag #R2R10th in one of two ways: 1) post a photo of the artwork they entered into this contest, or 2) make a short video or caption a photo about the stewardship message they chose. Social media posts must use the hashtag #R2R10th, and be posted by 9 am on Friday, October 25th in order to be entered into the drawing, and students must be present at the Ridge to Reef Rendezvous to claim prizes won in the drawing. DOWNLOAD THE CONTEST FLIER HERE check out some photos from last year's event, below, and in our Facebook album! from the Eyes of the Reef Monitoring Network for Coral Bleaching & Disease, Crown-of-Thorns Sea Stars and Marine Invasive Species:
Calling all Ocean Users! We have a bleaching event in progress! Prepare for Bleachapalooza 2019 Join the citizen science team and help report coral bleaching sightings! Two training workshops are happening on Maui: When: Tuesday, September 24th, 6 pm – 8 pm *or* Wednesday, October 9th, 6 pm – 8 pm Where: NOAA Humpback Whale Sanctuary, 726 S. Kihei Rd., Kihei, 96753 What: Details below: YOU CAN HELP! Participation is simple: attend a training workshop and use your eyes! Attend this 2-hour workshop to learn how to identify and report coral bleaching, coral disease, Crown-of-Thorns Sea Stars and marine invasive species. Whether you are a recreational ocean user, recreational or commercial fisherman, tourism operator, researcher or student, you can help us learn more about when and where these events occur by keeping an eye out for signs of change when visiting the reef. WHY? Pollution, climate change, and poor land use practices create environmental conditions that foster coral disease and coral bleaching, support the spread of invasive species and threaten reef health. Early detection of these events is important in protecting our reef resources. Detecting the initial signs of any of these events on our local reefs requires a wide network of observers providing regular reports of conditions throughout the region. The Eyes of the Reef Network has been designed to provide reliable reports on bleaching, disease, and changing reef conditions throughout Hawai‘i by training community members how to spot and report these events early on. For more information on Eyes of the Reef Network, contact your Maui Island Coordinators: Darla White at 808-345-2312 or email Donna Brown at 808-283-3423 or email visit the Eyes of the Reef Hawaii website ![]() Ekolu Lindsey of Polanui Hiu Community Managed Makai Area has shared their new resource available to the community, an Ocean-Friendly Guide, which was developed to help visitors enjoy all that Maui has to offer. According to Ekolu, "the guide is filled with links and information. We hope this information helps keep everyone safe, our cultural resources utilized respectfully, and our visitors filled with Aloha in their hearts to share around the world." The content was developed by Polanui Hiu with graphic design and layout by Alana Yurkanin. You can download a PDF of the guide here. For more from Polanui Hiu, visit their website, Facebook page, Instagram, or email them. This year we'll be celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Kahekili Herbivore Fisheries Management Area! Visit the event pages on Facebook for more information about the Ridge to Reef Rendezvous and the Keiki & 'Ohana Catch and Release Fishing Tournament on October 26th, 2019.
Hawai'i's first ever ocean friendly car wash held in Lahaina with Lahainaluna High School11/19/2018
![]() Over the weekend, we partnered with Lahainaluna High School and the Old Lahaina Luau to hold the first-ever ocean-friendly car wash in Hawai'i! Washing cars causes a variety of pollutants (including oils and heavy metals like lead and arsenic, not to mention the cleaning products) to wash off and get into storm drains, where they ultimately end up in the ocean and can harm the environment. We tested out a model used elsewhere in the US to suck up and redirect the wash water to vegetated areas (or inputs to the sanitary sewer), and NOT into storm drains. Mahalo to a great crew from Lahainaluna High School for all the hard work, and to the Old Lahaina Luau for hosting us! We'd also like to thank the project's sponsors, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, US Fish & Wildlife Service, and the Hawai'i Department of Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources! Check out this album of photos, and to see some videos from the event, including a how-to guide, here's a YouTube playlist. For tips on washing your car the ocean friendly way, please visit our website. Mahalo to everyone who made this year's celebration such a fantastic success! Check out our Facebook photo album.
News and EventsThe latest happenings in West Maui. For upcoming events, please visit our Facebook page. Archives
October 2020